Budding festival-goers aged 16 - 17 can now snag the hottest ticket on the Gold Coast! Here's what you need to know!

Festival X Gold Coast is now a 16+ event.
So that we can provide a secure and safe environment for everyone, we are implementing our Youth Policy for 2022, which is part of our Conditions of Entry. The minimum age requirement to attend Festival X in GoldCoast in 2022 will be 16. This means the attendee must fall on or before the event date.
All youth ticket holders must be accompanied by a responsible adult. A responsible adult is either a parent, step-parent ,guardian, or adult with parental rights, duties and responsibilities concerning the minor.
A youth ticket must be purchased with an 18+ ticket at a ratio of 1:3; a responsible adult may supervise a maximum of THREE minors at the festival.
Patrons under 18 must not engage in any illegal or disruptive activities whilst on site. This includes the consumption of alcohol or illicit substances. All patrons under 18 will be given a clearly identifiable wristband.
The responsible adult must be contactable by mobile phone at the festival.
Accepted ID for 16 and 17-year-olds attending will be as follows:
- Australian Photo Driver's Licence or Learner's Permit; or
- Passport (either current or expired less than 2 years ago and has not been cancelled); or
- KEYPASS Photo ID Card or equivalent Proof of Age Card; or
- Bus Pass; or
- Australian Birth Certificate (a certified copy is okay)PLUS a Current Photo ID (e.g. a student card). We must be able to verify both your age and your photo ID; we cannot accept one without the other.
If you are a responsible adult planning to accompany any minors at the event, please consider the following;
- Alcohol intake must be moderated to ensure that you can responsibly take care of any minors in your care
- Youth ticket holders must be in frequent communication and contactable by you at ALL times whilst at the event.
Tips to our 16 & 17-year-olds.
- Talk your plans through with your parents.
- Come with a good group of friends and look out for each other.
- Stay hydrated.
- Set up meeting points at the start of the day in case you get separated.
- We recommend you write the numbers of two friends on your arm or on a piece of paper in your pocket/bag – a good idea would be to include the number of one of your friends at the event and one adult who can help you out from home.
- Bring a portable phone battery charger.
It's up to you to consider whether the event is appropriate for your child. If you would like to discuss this with someone from our office, please get in touch with us at
Q. Is VIP 16+?
A. No
Q. Can I buy a youth ticket by itself?
A. No, you can only buy a youth ticket AND an adult ticket.
Q. I have already bought an adult ticket and now want to bring a minor with me; how can I buy a youth ticket if it can only be purchased in bundles?
A. You can sign into your Moshtix account, registering your previously purchased adult ticket and allowing you to add a youth ticket.
Q. How many youth tickets can be bought with an adult ticket?
A. 3
Q. I'm 15 and 364 days. Can I still come to Festival X GoldCoast?
A. No, but next year is your year!
Q. What IDs are acceptable?
A. Accepted ID for 16 and 17-year-olds attending will be as follows:
- Australian Photo Driver's Licence or Learner's Permit; or
- Passport (either current or expired less than 2 years ago and has not been cancelled); or
- KEYPASS Photo ID Card or equivalent Proof of Age Card (*see below); or
- Australian Birth Certificate (a certified copy is okay) PLUSa Current Photo ID (e.g. a student card). We must be able to verify both your age and your photo ID; we cannot accept one without the other.